Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Baby Boy or Baby Girl?


Well, it must be in the water! Yes, if you have heard a rumor floating around Facebook...its true! Mick and I are expecting our first baby!! We are so excited and nervous and scared and happy! I think every emotion one could have we have or have felt over the last few weeks. I found out the Sunday I become a member into my church. Talking about a God moment! We just now told people this last week as we are really nervous about something happening since it is early on in the pregnancy but God will do what's best for the baby and whatever will happen, will happen. The baby is due December 22nd. Yes, a Christmas baby! I was too thrilled by this date but the more I think about it the less upset I am about it. If you think about it, what a magical wonderful time to be brought into the world!!! Regardless of when the baby will be born, it will have a wonderful birthday and will be spoiled by many! Mick is super excited as well and has been WONDERFUL!!! I think he really wants a girl and already has a girl named picked out so hopefully it won't be disappointed if we are blessed with a baby boy instead. I went to the doctor two weeks ago and got to see the baby for the first time, hear the heartbeat and get our first sonogram pictures. What an amazing experience!! It seriously brought true happiness and relief seeing a little being growing instead of my body! Truly a miracle. I have been VERY sick but apparently that is good! Its been quite rough! Mornings sickness-morning, noon and night! They finally gave me some medicine to keep things down and it seems to be working minus a few days here and there! But hopefully this will pass in a few more weeks. So please say some extra prayers that our pregnancy continues to go well and that momma and baby stay healthy...and daddy too!
Also, to add even more excitement to the mix...Dana and Jason are also expecting! It will be a great experience to share this ever so precious time with her! They are due on November 19th, so basically a month apart! Now we just need Lori to be blessed with a little baby and we would all be pregnant at the same time! Who would have guessed!??! So same some prayers for both Dana and baby as well as Lori!