Monday, April 21, 2014


It has been so REFRESHING to have the beautiful weather. It has really made me stop and think about this glorious, beautiful world we have been blessed to live in. The green grass, the blue skies, the soft wind, the heat of the sun on my face.....ahhhhh....I couldn't' tell you how many times I literally stopped doing whatever I was doing this past weekend and really took it all in. Even things, that use to be a bit of annoyance was refreshing, which I'm sure will be back on that list before long...but for right now I enjoy. Driving home from my grandmother's last night....I was hearing bugs hit my windshield. I enjoyed the fact that it was warm enough to have that many bugs. Mallory and I colored Easter eggs on Saturday afternoon....with the door open. Not just the screen open...but the entire door. I didn't care if bugs came in or she went out....we left it open. We went for a LONG walk and enjoyed the sun but most of all the conversation. I thought to myself....this is life. These are the moments and the days that make it easier to get up out of bed each day and welcome with open arms what the day is going to hold......REFRESHING!!!
 Here comes Peter Cottontail!
 Mommy/Daughter selfie
 Easter Egg Hunt at daycare.
 And there she goes....
 She wasn't quite sure at first....
 My ears are flopping in my eyes.....
 I found one!!!
 She even looks like a bunny with that kind of smile...
 Mal Mal & Tay Tay....
 She even smiles like this for her teachers....egg painting....
 Mallory has a new obsession of picking watch out if you have anything other than dandelions...cuz' Mallory will pick them!
 Coloring our Easter eggs.
 She liked watching them in the dye....Mommy did too until Mallory launched a cup across the table. Big Mess!
 Look at my egg Mom!
 Oh wait....I need to smile!
 Easter morning chocolate....I asked Mallory what she would like to eat for breakfast and her reply....CANDY!! Well of course!
 The Easter Bunny left some foot prints down the hall...Mallory asked what they were. I told her the Easter Bunny snuck into the house, left her some goodies, snuck back out and went to someone else's house. She looked at me, looked down the hallway and simply replied....that's scary mommy. Yes, you're right is kind of creepy...which you can tell my her expression that she was a bit freaked out by the Easter Bunny's maneuvers.
 Easter Egg Hunt!!

She got very excited when she found them. The Easter Bunny hide them in her swing, in the bushes, in the tree...she would get so happy.

 Easter dress is never complete with out some shades!
 Flying her new princess kite with daddy before church.
 She loved it!!
 Driving Miss Daisy....I love this picture of Mallory!

 Oh boy....she looks a bit on the evil side....loL!
 The whole gang....not all looking...but all together! Good lookin' bunch!
Some days you just have to have no pants sleeps....
This picture cracks me up....We have a video monitor. I was getting dressed for work one morning and looked at the monitor and noticed that I thought Mallory had taken her pants off. I thought it was kind of funny but assumed she had just gotten hot. About an hour later, I walk into her room and not only is she completely asleep but completely naked. So I snapped the pic....She immediately woke up and said, "I peed." I said, "Why did you take your pants and diaper off?" She said, "I peed mommy." I again assumed she peed in her diaper, didn't like it so she took it off. Not only was I right about that but she had also peed all of her bed! YIKES! I couldn't help but laugh...oh does this girl keep me on my toes.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


 Visiting baby chicks and baby ducks. And yes, she asked again if she could have one and once again momma succeeded by not leaving the store with chickens.
 Look mom, no hands. Yes, this is Mallory being a daredevil. She will say Faster, Mommy! And then let go! If this is as daring as she gets....I'll take it!
 Mallory is such a girlie girl inside but when she gets outside...TOM-BOY! She loves walking in the fields. Last weekend she found a corn husk and played with it the rest of the day.
 Here she is trying to feed her friend WillyWorm some corn from her husk.
 We had a WONDERFUL visit at Aunt Dana's house over the weekend. It's so great to hang out there...and should more since we live so close. This was Lane & Mallory playing in her curtains (sorry Dana). Mallory was pretty funny watching the boys. Lane & Grant were acting silly at dinner and Mallory would just giggle at them.
 Grant & Mallory snuggling. They are such buddies. He is so good with her and loves her so. She would walk right up to him and kiss him. CUTE OVERLOAD!!!
 This Dana giving Mallory her first rose. She thought it was SOOO special and we hug it every night before bed.
 On the way home with her flower...she couldn't hold her head up but she sure could hold the flower up. She didn't want it to get smashed....;)
 This is Mallory(with no pants on) and Peanut. She has really taken to him in the last few weeks. I think she likes pretending he is a baby doll as she was feeding her a bottle, hugs her and the other night she came running to me in the kitchen and said, "Peanut girl needs a treat mommy." SPOILED!!

 Playing outside with cousins and Grandma. She may look overly dressed but it was windy that!

 Cinderella's Smile!
 Mallory has to take breathing treatments every so often when she gets a cold or her allergies act up. I took a picture of her the first night since she was doing so well....AND now she feels like we have to take a picture each night. 

Trying to get a different expression besides "CHEESE"
 I got to eat breakfast with Mallory at daycare last week. She thought it was so cool....
 I FINALLY caught her off guard and got this adorable smile!!
 At least its not just for me......CHEESE!!!
 This one isn't so bad.....STILL CUTE!!! (We have to work on which way the glasses go...)