Monday, July 18, 2011


I LOVE BIG BROTHER!!! I so want to be on that show or on Survivor! I am completely jealous of the house guests and pretty sure I would dominate that house! And kick Rachel's annoying butt!

The Great Maze of Corn

HOLY CORN!! We have corn literally coming out of our ears! (And yes I just laughed about five minutes on that joke! Tears coming down my face...Mick thought it was funny just apparently not as funny as I did! LOL!) So anyways, we have ALOT of corn and its still growing! I have never in my life seen so much corn! Mick and the neighbors picked, and picked, and picked! And guess what...they still aren't done! I've cooked and shaved more corn than I thought possible but for the first time this farm girl has corn in the freezer that she will have ALL year long and couldn't be happier! And its delicious!!! So this mommas has been eating corn like crazy and can't wait for those garden tomatoes to go from orange to red within a day or two. Our garden sure has turned out way better than it did last year....we actually grew something this year!!

Baby, Baby, Baby....Oh Baby!!!

So is it a boy or girl?
We anxiously awaiting July 25th to come as that will be when we find out whether our little bundle of joy is
a boy or a girl? We are both really excited to find out although I think for different reasons. I want to shop!! 
Mick I think just wants to know. Its been so hard not buying cute clothes when I see them!! We have a lot of stuff already so that makes my mind more at ease. We have our crib, dresser and changing table. We also started buying diapers and wipes. It was quite the adventure to Babies R Us a couple of weeks ago. I didn't think I could get my husband out of that store! He was pretty into...unlike me who was feeling sick of course and kind of just wanted to get out of there. He also picked out bottles. Yes, I said bottles. He found a brand that he apparently thinks is the best thing since sliced bread...they are called Tommy Tippies! Yeah, I know! Anyways, he went crazy!! He bought several bottles, a cleaner/sterilizer, some pacifiers! The whole nine yards and said that I couldn't register for anything or buy anything but Tommy Tippies! YIKES! And of course...they are the most expensive!! You know my husband....he says he just wants the best for the baby. So much that he was discussing buying a tempur-pedic, memory foam, allergy free mattress for the crib. I said I don't think the baby should be sleeping on a more expensive and nicer mattress than its parents...we'll see who wins this battle...I usually surrender to him when it comes to these things but we will go broke with his track record so far. But it does make me happy that he is excited and cares and whats the best for baby. We also have a bassinet, cradle, two swings (one big, one little), some clothes, books, a few we are getting set. Its beginning to look a lot like a baby is on the way...well at least in our garage! LOL! House project is coming along...Mick and the guys have been getting some progress done so hopefully before November is my wish...cross your fingers. Health wise....I'm doing okay. I've been pretty sick and miserable to be quite honest. Was in the hospital twice now and about ended up there again this morning but pushed through so hopefully soon I will start feeling good again. So its been pretty rough but I know in the end, it will all be worth it...When I get to the really bad times, I just pull out the sonogram pictures and see little baby and know it will all be okay. So I'm hoping the sickness will soon be gone but have a bad feeling about this one. I may be one of those unlucky mommas who are just sick the entire time! YUCK! The heat sure doesn't help either!!
I've been playing lullabies to the baby and guess who hasn't made it past song two...yep! This girl...puts me right to sleep! LOL! The baby naming has been quite eventful as well...let me tell you...Mick sure comes up with some doozies! Some of them he says literally makes me skin crawl! What he thinks in that head of his sometimes sure scares me! LOL! Its also been fun because I"m starting to show more and more and have had a few BRAVE people ask when I'm due and its just fun and makes things even more exciting having people ask about myself and the baby! Well, I keep you posted...a week from today we find out!!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Harry Potter-The Final Chapter

Okay! So I believe my sister will be dressed up similar to this as we are going to watch Harry Potter Finale tonight at the theater. Not a HP fan, haven't even read the books but last year Dana convinced me to watch all the movies (within a week mind you) so I could go to the movie with her since apparently she is the only HP fan in her circle of friends....And now I know why! Just teasing Dana...Anyways, so of course....we will be one of the crazies in line tonight to watch the final movie! I think she will need therapy afterwards since its the END!! She said that lucky for us, we are pregnant and she didn't ask me to wait in line for the midnight viewing last night! WHAT!?!? Are you crazy!?!? So I will fill you in on how many tears are shed and how many "freaks" I encounter tonight. Pray that I least I will get my popcorn fix!!

I Don't Feel Like Doin' Anything...Nothing At All!!!

Well the Lazy Song has taken its effect on me...I think it will be my new theme song for the coming weeks...The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars! I like the part about the birthday suit...that's how I feel most days! LOL!
Check it out....