Monday, January 27, 2014

Mommy, Molly & Mallory Day!

Daddy got called to work so we decided we needed to go shopping...after church of course! Mallory was quite busy in church but she was so cute. She walked right up to Small Talk (for kids) all by herself. I teared up a bit watching her up there looking so big and grown up. We then had anointing of the sick, where Pastor Jean put oil on our forehead and said a short prayer to each of us. I asked Mallory if she would like to participate and explained to her what was going to happen. She did so great. She let Pastor Jean place a cross on her forehead in oil. She quietly said something to the effect of: "Please know and never forget how much Jesus loves you." We then knelt down to say a prayer and Mallory prayed with me. It was pretty touching. She kept asking me, "Jesus love me?" I'd say, "Yes he does!" "Me, mommy?" "Yes, you honey." So now she says Jesus loves me.
So then it was fun time...I took her to McDonald's for the only second time in her life. She loves her nuggets! And then the real shopping. Yes, I'm completely nuts for taking a 2 year old shopping to not only one store but 3...without a nap! But it worked and she was so good. One store was quick and painless...the second store she sat in the cart and was in charge of my list. The third store...we were really pushing it but mommy took back up and it was so fun. I let Mallory push her own shopping cart around the store with her baby Molly with her. She had a blast! I was getting a bit frazzled thinking people were getting annoyed with Mallory "being in the way" and a gentleman came up to me and said..."Ma'am...let me tell you. Your daughter has brighten more people's day today than upset them." He must have been able to tell that I was nervous of what others were thinking and he said it all. I stopped worrying about what others thought and let her have fun...and that she did...especially when she snuck some M&M's, goldfish & pudding into her cart.
 Waiting patiently out of the way.
 Little Miss Independent!!
 She also had boots on so she was attracting even more attention by stomping her feet!
This way mommy? My little shopper!
We then went home and ate our M&M's and took a nice long nap! Whew....

Friday, January 24, 2014

Cake & Pizza

I picked out a shirt for Mallory to wear yesterday. It happened to have a small cupcake in the bottom corner that said "Sweet Like Mommy". (appropriate I know). This is how the conversation went:
7:30 a.m.
Mallory: Cake Mommy!
Me: Yes, it is!
Mallory: No, cake Mommy. I like cake. (in a very drawn out separated sentence)
Me: I know you like cake baby. Now let's get dressed so we can get going.
Mallory: Eat cake mommy.
Me: Oh, honey mommy doesn't have any cake. It's just on your shirt. Do you want to wear the cake shirt today?
Mallory: Yes.
And I quickly distract her.
5:15 p.m.I walk into her room at daycare.
Me: Hi baby! How was your day?
Mallory: Cake mommy.
Me: What? (thinking there is no way she is still talking about cake)
Mallory: I eat cake mommy.
Again, I quickly distract and talk about something else.
5:45 p.m. We walk in the door and start taking our coats off.
Me: Mommy has a surprise for you!!!
Mallory: Cake?
Me: (laughing) No honey, it's not cake. We are going to make pizza!!!
Mick: (giving me a weird look)
Mallory: No pizza. Cake!
Mick: (still giving me a weird look)
Me: Mallory I don't think mommy has cake. Would you like to make pizza? You can put your apron on and help mommy.
Mallory: Cake mommy!
Mick: (looking through cabinet for cake)
Me: Let's get out the cheese. (she is a sucker for cheese)
Mallory: I like cake mommy. Eat cake.
Mick: (finds cake & icing---which is surprising because I don't bake. I didn't even know if I had a cake pan)
Mick, Mallory & Me: (we make cake)
NOTE TO SELF: Don't let Mallory wear a cupcake shirt unless you are prepared to make cake!!!
To finish the rest of the story...we made cake...and pizza. But of course we had to make the cake first. She did a great job with both. Although she ate half of her pizza before cooking. She is such a little chef! To top it off...she thought it was pretty neat that the cake was pink. (the only kind I had). 
 Happily stirring her pink cake.
 Mallory's facial expression=Mommy is such a sucker. I got my cake.
 What do you mean I can't eat it now? Oven? What's that?
 Eating sauce!
 Chef in the making.
 Digging in for some cheese.
 Putting in her mouth instead of the pizza.
 Smilin' Pizza!
 Mallory taking a big bite of pepperoni. "Spicy" she says.
 Aunt Dana gave us a Curious George book about a pizza party. I saved it to read to her while our pizza(and cake) was baking. Mallory loved it. Her favorite part was when George got in trouble for making a mess.
 Do I have pizza sauce on my face?
 The infamous cake...complete with "sparkles"...not sprinkles.
 Notice the cake on the plate and only icing in mouth....
After coming down from her sugar high...Mallory is rocking her babies to sleep.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Mommy...The Sun!!!

There really is no rhyme or reason to this post....
Mallory inspecting her friend's drawing at school.

 Quiet time at school...small laid back reading with her friend Emily.
 I don't typically let Mallory eat in the living room but tonight I will admit I was feeling a bit lazy. So not only did we have leftovers but we ate in the living room.
Mallory even decided to do her hair for the pictures....just kidding...she looks a little bit more like Jim Carey in Ace Ventura  Pet Detective...
The moms group that I am in had a discussion this week about editing photos to make things better looking than what reality is...this is my un-edited photo! lol!

 A couple of weeks ago Mallory surprised us with her name, age and place she lives...I finally got it on tape. We were getting ready to go to bed and it was dark in her room so when I recorded this the first time, she says, "Mommy...sun!!!" It was so bright in her face, she thought it was the sun! HILARIOUS!!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Pants On Your Head?

We fortunately have some really great friends that have given us some of their old hand-me-downs for Mallory! I could not be more grateful! And of course Mallory loves it! She will go through all of them and try to put them all on! So of course when we got a new box of goodies the other night...she went to town! So thank you Lisa for not only giving us the box of clothes...but thanks for entertaining my daughter and us!

 No more pants on the's now pants on the head!!!
 Yes, she has shorts on her head, pants, shirt, two swim tops and boots!
 My hat mommy...
This is Mallory and Mick on their computers. She thought she was pretty cool sitting in her own chair, with her own computer. Sorry about the blinding flash...Mick had is reflective work shirt on!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

I Got A New Dishwasher!

I got a new dishwasher tonight. It is so cute-messy but cute. 
 Starting her young...( remodel is still on the to-do list)
 Daddy says he will give her a quarter every time she does dishes...she immediately put it in her apron pocket & said "quarter daddy"...surprised me he didn't give her another one just because.
 Had to really embrace the mess she was making. I wanted to immediately clean it up and make sure no water got on the floor...BUT I didn't...I let her get soaking wet, spill on the floor, splash bubbles...only once did I have to look away and take a few breaths. ;)
 I keen it mommy....(I clean it mommy). Yes you sure did Mallory.
 Future housewife of Morgan County...
 The smile made the mess totally worth it...although she did cry when we had to stop to eat dinner; at least I had a clean, shiny floor.
Will end with these inspirational words that I did not nor could not truly fathom their true meaning until I became a mommy. It is hard some days, its tiring some days, its frustrating some days BUT it is fun more days than not, its rewarding, its a great learning experience, its satisfying and most of all my heart has never been bigger. I could not love someone more than I love my daughter.


Wednesday, January 8, 2014


OH YEAH!!! 2 months from today I will be staring at this guy....
 Now that is what I call cute!! I'm so excited...Mick maybe not as much but this girl sure is. I will have to bring my binoculars but I will be singing and dancing like I'm in the front row!!
 Speaking of cute...tonight at the dinner table Mallory surprised me! I always try to talk to her about her day or what tomorrow will bring. I like to prepare her for upcoming things so she will know about it and can be a bit prepared. We also go over things that she did that day and learn things. Example: the other night we were counting her noodles as she ate and then showing her how to hold up her fingers to match the number. Well tonight I asked her what her name was...she replied by saying Mallory. I said good girl. So we got that one down...thought I would throw her a curve ball and ask "What's your full name?" Well, she threw me a curve ball by pausing a second and then said, "Mallory Jo Selby." I seriously about fell out of my chair. I of course praised her which she always thinks is pretty cool. Which if you know praising is a little more than a good job...I hoot & holler and jump around like a mad woman.
 So since little miss knows her name...we started on where she lives. It's the cutest thing to hear her try to say Jacksonville...adorable. She is pretty good on where Grandma Iya lives though...forda (a.k.a Florida).
 Snuggling up watching cartoons!
We also started reading Snow White. She loves it. Not so much the evil queen/ shown above...she will put her hand over the queen and say bad girl. Funny thing is Mick has never wanted me to call Mallory a princess...since before she was born he didn't want signs in her room or to have that as a nickname. So its quite comical that Mallory has started calling herself a princess. Mick cringes, I smile and Mallory gloats. "I princess mommy" She has now said it three or four times at very random moments and no matter what daddy says...she is quite the princess!

Monday, January 6, 2014


Well, what an adventure it has been so far. Not sure how much snow we got beings that it has blown all over. Mick did get out to work this morning but I had to call him back home as our kitchen pipe froze. It didn't bust...yet anyways. So he came home to fix it and get things going again. He was headed out to Home Depot when he caught stuck in the driveway...big time. I believe the snow was up over his front tire and about waist high on him. So hopefully, he will return and get our hot water working again.
Last night, we kept hearing about power outage after power we thought we should be a bit more prepared in case ours went out as well especially since it would have been too dangerous to venture out in the cold with Mallory. So Mick got all the flashlights ready, wood in the shed in case we needed to go out there to start a fire in the wood burning stove, propane hooked up into the fireplace inside...we also set up an air mattress in the living room in case the heat couldn't keep up upstairs or if power went out and we had to sleep in front of the fireplace. None of the above had to take place thankfully but it sure was worth it to see Mallory get so excited about the air mattress. She crawled up there...after a few bounces and jumps on her "bounce house"...thanks Aunt Lori. ;)
She was sad to have to sleep in her crib so maybe we will have to have a sleepover in the living room before we put it back away.
 Mallory realized yesterday that she can fit in the window seal with her BFF Minnie Mouse.
 Just the girls hanging out.
 Hey mom...its my new spot.
 Minnie...this is what you call snow...
 Whispering in Minnie's ear...not sure what she told her but it was sure cute.
 Best Buddies...
 Mallory was hitting the window with her I told her to stop. So the smart and ornery girl...would take Minnie's hand and have her hit the window while she quietly sat behind and giggled.
 A girl and her friend...cute picture!
 Priceless...I love this picture!!

I want to go outside and play!
She thought if she pulled the sheer curtain down...that I couldn't see her. WRONG!
Mick showed Mallory Home Alone...which I would never allow until she was much much much older. And this is the result.....YIKES!
Tea Party update...she had a baby in every chair...
The air mattress...she climbed right up and laid down.
She had to help Minnie do some somersaults first.
Whew...wore her out!
This is a picture of Mallory watching Little Einsteins....she loves it and will answer the questions they ask, will clap to the music...she won't move the entire time...maybe we have a little Mozart on our hands!...hope so maybe her talents could buy daddy a new snow blower so he won't get!