Friday, February 28, 2014

Now I Know My ABC's....

Mallory surprised me the other night with knowing her ABC's....she gets a little messed up in spots but I was so proud of her...and SHOCKED. I have sang this song so many times and worked with her on this for a long time and then she busts this out...I think she was holding out on me and knew the whole time....her favorite part is! Hilarious....
Sorry no picture as she gets shy sometimes when I video her so I was hiding!

 Mallory was hiding from the sun....
 She says, "It's bright, mommy!"
 "I can't see!!!" I said, "Honey, the sun is behind can't see because you have your paper in front of your eyes!" (hysterical laughing follows)
 This is what happens when you ask Mallory to smile. This was at her Valentine's party at school.
 Mallory and her buddy at daycare....they are SOOOO cute together. I hope they stay friends in BFF's!!! ;) 
This was the night that Mallory told me she wanted to stay the night with her.
This was Mallory "using the potty". Silly girl...she says, "I'm on the lid!"
(She refused to take this shirt off because Aunt Dana had put it on her.) 
 Silly girl!!! 
P.S. What happened to my baby girl? Does it continue to go this fast?!?! I need a pause button ASAP!!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Mallory's Sleepover With The Fricke's

Mallory got to spend the night at Aunt Dana's while mom & dad went to Quincy. She had a blast. We told her about it a few days ahead of time to prep her. She was so excited...each day she would say, "Dana's today?" Finally, the day came and boy did she have a fun. Not sure she wanted to come home with us.
 Mallory got her toes painted for the first time. She is SOOO proud of this. She says, "Dana did it." She takes her shoes and socks off and just looks at them and smiles. I think she showed them off at daycare too. I always put lotion on her legs and feet after bath...she says, "Mommy, don't touch. Dana did it."
 Mallory and all the stuffies...silly girl.
 Mallory and Lane having a brush off...
 Apparently, Mallory wins!
 Still brushing...and reading books.
 Someone is ornery....
 Cute cousin picture.
 Mallory getting wild with the toys!
 Snuggle time with her Grant.
 Mallory rockin' a tutu and a John Deere coat...mommy forgot to leave her coat.
Wiped out! She was out within a minute of getting in the car. She had SOOO much fun. This morning she saw her overnight bag in her room and she yells, "Dana's again?" I said, "No honey, you have to go to daycare." And she says, "But I good. I was good." What a little persuader we have on our hands. Thanks Fricke for showing Mallory such a good time!!!


I won a "Valentine's Getaway" at Stoney Creek Inn & Lodge via Facebook contest. It was a national contest with 6500+ entries and I won! I was so excited...Mick was a little leery but he finally believed me that it was legit. They were so wonderful. They were booked on Valentine's Day so they extended it to this past weekend. She also sent a little package in the mail for Mallory. She got a sweatshirt, a t-shirt and a little toy. She loved it....
 Mallory...the goof ball with her moose shirt on...
 "my moose mommy...."
 Our suite....complete with fireplace, hot tub, champagne, was perfect.'s the was cold when we got to the I cranked the heat up, turned the fireplace on and turned the hot tub on HIGH...well....a couple of minutes later Mick says...your face is getting pretty red. I said so is yours. Needless to say, we got so hot...we didn't feel very good. It just drained us. Mick said when he walked into the just hit you in the face and felt like you were walking into a sauna. lol!I started chugging water like crazy to feel better and Mick was asleep by 9:30. It was still very enjoyable a GREAT hotel with EXCELLENT customer service. If you ever get a chance to stay at one...I recommend. We had a great time and made some funny memories to go with it.

No Mommy....I Gotta Wipe!

 Mallory went potty at school for the first time...and the!
 Mallory (and her parents) are so lucky to have a such a great place to take Mallory during the day. They teach her so much and she sure love it there. This is her note saying that they were learning about President's. I've always how much of the lessons she retains...this is a prime example that she retains it...WELL! She would not stop talking about George and how he cut down the cherry tree. Thank you ORDC for doing such a great job!
Slightly embarrassing but too cute not to post. She always has to wipe...even though she doesn't go. 
No mommy...I gotta wipe. 

February Tornado

I'm blogging this that has nothing to do with Mallory, just to keep it in the record books. Tornado Feb. 20th 2014-Concord, IL. My sister took the photo of the my opinion anyways. It's not every day you 1.) Witness a February...with snow on the ground. 2.) Then capture that moment in such a great photo. Apparently, others thought the same because with the help of Jason's went viral. I lost count on how many sites it went on (that we know of) but I believe it made Quincy, Jacksonville, Springfield, Chicago, St. Louis news channels as well as the Weather Channel, NBC, MSN & the Today Show. So pretty big names there sis...I do have to mention that my sister was TERRIFIED as the tornado was headed straight for the school where Grant it took a bit to appreciate all the "publicity" and was more concerned about the kids and getting her nerves and heart back into her body. She said it was very surreal as she had reporters calling her off the hook. It was a nice 10 minutes of fame...that now can be Googled at anytime. Glad to report that no one was injured and very minimal damage done. God was with a lot of people that day.
 Above photo taken by Dana Renee Fricke of Concord, IL. lol!
 Here it is on the weather channel.
 Here it is on NBC News.
 Sochi Olympics, Dana Fricke, Michelle's a good day for Concord, IL. Not sure but thinking this is going to put them on the map. Visitors Bureau better get ready....
This is the photo on NBC with this in the corner...not everyday you see your sister's name on a national news website.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Kiss Him Goodbye!!!

So dog-gone willin', so kiss him
(I wanna see you kiss him, wanna see you kiss him)
Go on and kiss him goodbye, now
Na na na na, hey hey, goodbye
Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey, goodbye

This is what Mallory was singing to old man winter yesterday...not really but sounded good. I personally think he can go ahead and kiss good-bye any day now....
Then we can start singing....

I'm walking on sunshine , wooah
I'm walking on sunshine, woooah
I'm walking on sunshine, woooah
and don't it feel good!! 

This was Mallory's shoe of choice all day yesterday....!! My girl is stylish and smart! 
She knows what she wants.....SPRING/SUMMER!!!!!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Mallory's Snow Day

Mallory had yet to play in the snow. Every time it snowed (which has been ALOT) she was either sick or it was entirely way too cold for a two year old to be outside. Today...we DID IT! She loved it!
She loved getting all the layers on. Well until she had to wait on mommy to get dressed too and she said, "Mommy, I hot!" She didn't even have her hat or coat on. lol!
 It's cold she says!
 She was just squealing. She loved every second!
 My little snow bunny!
 Daddy made her a little slide to go down!
 Our little daredevil loved it!
 It was great to see her expressions.
 Making her a slide.
 Since she had a slide...she thought she needed a swing. lol!
 Making snow angels....kind of.
 She liked seeing her hand prints in the snow...unfortunately I wasn't planned and didn't have very good snow gloves.
 Down the slide.
 The faster she went, the harder she laughed.

 She liked rolling in it.
 Still rolling....and laughing.

 I can't put my arms down!
 Daddy was making "Chilly" the snowman from Doc McStuffins.
 We apparently need to work on our snowman making skills.
 She was a little unsure of our masterpiece. lol!
 We didn't stay out long due to our lack of good we came in for some hot chocolate.
 Another first...and she of course loved it.
Nice mustache. She of course took a LONG nap and when she woke up the first thing she said was hot chocolate. And then Snow Again? We didn't go back out but think our next thing will be snowboarding...or maybe invest in sled first. lol!