Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Touch Of Spring

Sometimes there are days were God just surrounds you. This was a day last week that I felt God in everything and everywhere. It was such a gorgeous day (which always helping in seeing God moments) but everything I saw I just felt was beautiful. So I got the camera out and started playing. Here are some of the things that I find beauty in and its so close...right in my backyard. May this weekend you all find God and beauty surrounding you.

Week's Pictures

 Papa and his girls

 Miss Casandra looking beautiful as ever
 Miss Mallory looking beautiful as ever
 She is just something...she thought it was pretty special that her and Mallory had matching purple dresses. (not planned by the way)
 I look so cute!

Getting ready to go to church with Momma Ham

Week In Review....

So week in review-Mallory has been wonderful! Last weekend we went home. She stayed with mom and dad while Lori and I went to Luke Gray's birthday party. Mom said she did wonderful so I guess I will believe her! Lori and I had a great time at the party. There weren't very many people there but it was great catching up with Luke and Paul. It was nice. Man, have we all changed since high school. Then Sunday we woke up and went to breakfast and church. Mallory was AWESOME during both. She is so content just watching people and loves music. She will just listen to the singing and so we bought her a CD Player for her room and I play instrumental music for her and she loves it. I think it really soothes her. We were done with church mom, Mallory, Cassie and I went for a long walk and it was beautiful out. I love those special quite moments just talking with my mom. We are creating great memories. Then we went to Great Grandma Barry's house again and of course Mallory was the center of attention. She got lots of love!
She has been grabbing a hold of things (pacifer especially) and loves snuggling. She has been eating so much! She is up to 6 oz. a feeding so I'm having a hard time keeping up with the breastmilk so we are going to have to try supplementing formula during the day. This may be permanent or it could just be temporary until I can catch back up again. We will see....tomorrow is her first trial run.
Mick and I took Mallory on a nice long walk Tuesday night and she really seemed to enjoy it. She would just look around...if you looked down at her and talked to her she would just cooo back and smile. It was so cute! She really is something else...
This weekend we have no plans but visit the Easter Bunny so its going to be so nice to just stay home and play with her. I will post pics of our relaxing weekend and possible photo shoot outside if its nice enough.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Busy Week

Well...what a week its been. I got a lot accomplished at work this week as well as at home. I finally ordered Mallory's birth announcements. I know...she's 3 months this week but better late than never! I also ordered her baptism invitations as well and got some things squared away at the church for that. Mick got his mower today-which you would think he won a million dollars! He's so happy with it and I have to admit, its a great investment as what did take us two days to mow our grass-we can now do in 2.5 hours! What a time saver this is going to be! Its a zero turn rider so its going to take me some time getting use to it but have to was pretty fun driving it! 
Mallory turned 3 months this week! I can't even believe it! Where has time gone? She got her first shots today as well. She was suppose to get these at her two month checkup but due to her high fever and hospital stay-that was postponed. She did wonderful considering what they did to her. She sucked the medicine right down (which surprised the nurse) and she didn't cry too awfully bad with the three shots she had to get. The nurses were funny as they loved Mallory's outfit she had on so of course they had to show her off to everyone in the department. Pretty proud moment when you have 15-20 nurses telling you how beautiful your daughter is! She weighed in at a whopping 14.6 pounds and is 26.25 inches long! She's in the 97 percentile for height and 80 percentile for weight! So we have a healthy little baby on our hands. Her daddy and I sure love to show her off.
Tomorrow I will be going back home to visit with friends and of course spend time with my parents. I love going home and spending time with them especially now with Mallory. It really makes my heart happy. I can't wait for Mick's parents to come back for a visit to Illinois as they haven't seen Mallory since she was born...what a surprise they will be in for! She doesn't even look like the same girl. 
Tonight, I have some alone time as Mick is playing cards and Mallory is already sleeping so I think I'll sign off and take advantage of some R&R and read a book!
Please say some prayers for two special baby boys that have entered this world recently. Cooper Dixon and Will Eling. They are both very precious and hope to visit with them both soon.
Have a good weekend!

Okay-I know there are ALOT of pictures this week...some looking almost exactly alike BUTTTTTT I can't ever just pick one...I think she's just so darn cute I have to post them all! LOL!