Saturday, November 29, 2014

I love Santa & Jesus!

I am so excited for the holidays this year. Mallory was running a fever on Thanksgiving so Mick and her stayed home this year from all the activities for some much needed rest and not to spread anymore germs. She's had so much exposure from daycare and other places that it was just a matter of time before she was to catch the bug. She's been a real trooped though. I, with much assurance from my amazing husband still went to my mom and dads and went Black Friday shopping with Lori and mom. It's always fun to shop the day with them...maybe one year Dana can attend too. This year I was actually thinking about the days when Mallory will be old enough to partake in the fun. I also got to meet up with some high school girlfriends two weekends in a row. It was so good to catch up with some pretty amazing girls that I have not seen in ages and some that I see more frequently. I am so so blessed to have these relationships and to know that we can just pick up right where we left off, regardless of the time between visits. We are so lucky to be part of a pretty amazing class and group of people.

So we have been explaining Santa to Mallory and at first I think I did a bad job and creeped her out a bit but I think she is slowly starting to get it. She keeps saying, "he's magic." Today there were a few holiday cartoons on and she was glued...she would get so excited when Santa would appear on screen. She had the know the one...the glow, the shock, the excitement, the twinkle....its so cute to witness this. We talked about it tonight at bed and she apparently has retained more than I thought. She knows that the reindeer will land on your house, that we have to leave carrots AND water for the reindeer and cookies and milk for Santa...but she's not good at baking cookies since she broke them the last time we cooked together...She also knows that everyone needs to be nice and good in order for Santa to come...even Pete on Mickey Mouse. Then out of no where she adds into the conversation....and I love Jesus and about bringing tears to my eyes. Just the excitement of talking about Santa and then this....I can't explain in words how much joy and happiness this kid brings to my life.

So friends....I hope everyone can enjoy the "little moments" this holiday season and not get wrapped up in the unimportant things. That is my really embrace things that matter like a simple conversation with your kid(s) or engraving that memory of the look on your child's face when they see Santa or just spending time with family and friends....and don't forget about Jesus!

Playing Catch Up

I have been so busy this month that I haven't kept up with my pictures so here is a recap...


 Orange and Black Day at Daycare
 Crazy Hair Day At Daycare
 Mismatch Day....Nailed it!
 Minnie Mouse
 Cute girl!
 Halloween Parade at Daycare...she did great!
 Snack Time!
 Sweet Minnie at Grandma Barry's
 Look at her...I constantly just want to kiss and hug on her.
 Cheese!'s cold outside!
 Mom-Let's go score some candy!
 Snuggling and reading books with Grandma Barry. 
Love this picture!

 Tuckered out!
 Mallory enjoys using the headphones now while watching movies in the car. Looks like she may be praying for safety as!
 Mommy had to be in Chicago for work for 5 days...the longest I've ever gone without seeing Mallory but daddy took great care of her. He even took her to see Anna & Elsa at the local Kirlin's. Good job dad...the hair do and wardrobe may need some work but did great with everything else.
 Picking out things to add to her Christmas list....this was not one of them but she sure thought he was cool.

Lane's Birthday Party
 Paw Patrol Party!
 Who is that doggie in the window?
 Oh's Mallory Jo!
 What a cute little puppy dog!
 Her first tatoo...hopefully she sticks to these non-permanent kind the rest of her life.
 The object was to eat the dog food (cereal) with no hands. Mouth only....
 Mallory was quite unsure about doing this....

 Well ok...if you insist....
 I did it! She would do it so softly and innocently like she was going to be in trouble....although I did catch her later trying it again in the corner when no one was!
 Trying to stay honest with her eyes closed....
 Happy Birthday Lane....we had sooo much fun at your party and wish you the best year yet!
Ending the night with some blue favorite!