Monday, January 20, 2020


I have a calendar at my desk and I love it. Great little motivational words to contemplate as I work through my days. Thought I would share each month with you all.

January 2020

Choose To Be Magnificent!
It's time to embrace once and for all that we WONDERFUL WACKY WOMEN just don't have what it takes to be average. We did not sign up to live a mundane existence, content to sit quietly and watch the world drift by. Life is not a spectator sport, and we were born to be all in!
Although we have wings to soar, it doesn't mean that we carelessly jump off cliffs, hoping our dreams take flight. Rather we expand our horizons, experience life, and in the process, become all we can be. We need to run as fast as we can toward our dreams, seize every chance we get, and launch ourselves into the vast, open realm of possibilities. It really comes down to us versus our comfort zones. Are we willing to gamble on greatness rather than spend our days trapped in some kind of mediocre life? After we take off, we may have to endure a bumpy landing or two, or-worse-case scenario-chart out a new flight plan and start all over again. We can handle that, right?

Life is meant to be lived and to be loved to its fullest.
 Let's choose to be magnificent and let's start today!

Friday, January 10, 2020

Halloween, Pneumonia, This & That AND TONS OF PICTURES

I uploaded these pictures from my cell phone and they are all out of order and not going to take the time to enjoy!!! ;) 
Grant playing some ball. This was one of the most exciting junior high games I think I have ever attended! 
Halloween....a bunny and a nerd
A sick nerd....more on that later
I hosted an event for work and Anna, Elsa and Olaf were there....Morgan was not impressed.
Car ride pics...she's cute. Headphones on and zebra print
My mom has these battery operated candles. She has these 8 and then a bunch of tea lights. Morgan is obsessed with them and turns them on and off ALL THE TIME! But it keeps her entertained

Our first soccer tournament in O'Fallon and it was miserable. Rain, wind, freezing cold! Just pure awful. The first day Mick and Morgan went back to the hotel literally after five minutes. Mal played in it, I stood in it and I thought it was one of the worst experiences of my life. We literally stripped down and laid in bed with Mick and Morgan to warm our body temperatures up. Well....needless to say (excellent parenting award) Mallory got pneumonia....hence the sick kid on Halloween.

Oh and it snowed on Halloween......

Halloween Super Store is always fun
Car ride pics again....
My favorite nerd
Visiting with the Fricke's....Morgan loves it over there
Soccer Tournament Day #2....this was the nice day
Mallory has turned into quite the little artist. This is one of her drawings. Morgan obessively watches Monsters, Inc and always talks about Mike. So Mallory drew him. Well, come to find out...Morgan likes "Mike"...aka "Sully". 
Mallory as a sloth
More basketball pics of Grant
Morgan in the Halloween store. I think we were in there for over an hour!
Mallory at Lane Fricke's birthday party!
Another car pic but this time I took it because she looks so OLD!
Soccer Sister. Wants to do all things that her sister I got this "soccer uniform" for her to wear. She LOVES it.
More Halloween...cute little bunny! It was so cold!
Soccer Tournament Day #2..all bundled up and the only warm one.
Rare snuggles with daddy
Soccer Tournament can tell Mal doesn't feel good. We let her go to two of the most popular houses and then back in the car she went.
Hilarious! Morgan had a love hate relationship with this thing. She would say, "me not like" but would continue to go back to it.
This is Morgan's wink...
He's literally has his world in his hands.
Mal loves when she gets to see her cousin Cassie. This girl is the sweetest, most mature young lady! 

We were at my parents one weekend and their pole literally caught on fire. We had no electricity for HOURS. It was fun. My mom and Mallory walked down to get pictures...I'm sure the Amren guys appreciated them

I love penguins. I collect penguins. I love to read.
Mal drew this for me to use as a bookmark.
I love her.

This is Morgan....we laughed sooo hard. Appropriate for a two year old...absolutely not. Funny....FOR SURE!
Playing hair dresser on a Saturday morning
When the power went out at my parents, we went to my sisters. These two snuggled up watching a little Elf. Again...appropriate for a two year old....nope....but she didn't watch long. ;) 

We have a chalk board in our kitchen. I have let go of my controlling ways (kind of) and let Mallory do the Thanksgiving message this year. this is what she wrote. She's got that she included God.

Again...playing with the candles
Car Seat Pics with a paci??? Yeah I think she was teething and wanted that thing more than she ever has her whole life. ;) 
Twinning at church