Tuesday, June 14, 2011

$28 Corn Dog

Okay before I head to bed....All I can think about is fair corn dogs. The first county fair starts this weekend in New Berlin and I may have to make the drive over for a really expensive corn dog....
Drive to New Berlin & Back-$12.00
Entrance to Fair-$10.00
Lemon Shake Up-$3.00
Corn Dog-$3.00
Fix to My Corn Dog Crave=PRICELESS!!
I think the $28 corn dog is totally worth it!!!

Elvis Selby

Well, the sickness has slowed quite a bit...although the last couple of nights have not been pleasant, I have to admit that the days are incredibly better than what they use to be. Its such a blessing to see my belly growing more and more and feel all the changes that are going on with my body. I am still pretty tired throughout the day  but now that I feel better I think I'm just trying to fit as much into one day that I possibly can so there comes the nights where I just come home and crash. We have started buying a few things here and there which makes things so much more exciting. My mom gave us a back-up car seat that Mick insists on putting in his truck now. I told him I think it would be best to wait...lol! We have also bought (garage sale of course) a few girl clothes and few boy clothes. We also have two swings that I got off a friend at her garage sale. Perfect shape and neutral!! We have also received some books and toys. So its all feeling more and more real. We are going to have a little baby join our family! 
I can't tell you how excited Mick is about our new arrival. He has been over the top AMAZING!!! He not only takes care of me and makes sure I feel okay, if I need anything, that I'm not doing too much but he's been working SOOOO hard on our house and picking up alot of extra chores with no complaint. It is such a special time for us and know for a fact that Mick and I have never been closer. I wish I could repay him back for all the hard work that he has done so far. He is amazing and I am truly blessed to have such an amazing husband. 
Although the naming war has begun...Mick is dead set on a girl name and the boy name we just can't seem to agree on....so who knows what we will come up with....last night Mick says I think if its a boy it should be Elvis....really Elvis Selby...has a ring to it doesn't it? Oh dead Lord! He has come up with some real doozies!!
We go next week for our 16 week appointment. Just continue to pray that everything continues to go well for both mom and baby.

Welcome To "Coon"ville

Boy oh boy!!! Do we have ourselves a wee bit of a problem! We have coons. Believe it or not, they live in the country! For some reason, my animal loving husband is having such a hard time with this. Not that a family of coons has decided to set up camp in our two front trees...but that they are eating his beloved corn...that's the problem. So my husband had to shoot one. Yes, the same man that brings home birds that have been hit on the highway and nurse them back to life, has brought home several dogs, cats, turtles even to make sure they don't die. He shot the coon...oh but it doesn't end there...He not only had to shoot it once but he had to shoot it at least 8 times before it finally decided to fall out of the tree and finally take its last breath. Then come to find out it was a momma coon. Boy did this mess my husband up! He had nightmares...he even buried it in the backyard. Doesn't end there...a few days later slowly but surely at dusk four baby coons decided to venture down out of the tree. Devastating to my Mick...so he put on a heavy duty oven mitt and went out to make sure the babies got back up in the tree without being injured. This went on several nights. Then low and behold we were upstairs working on the bedrooms and I look out the window and see this HUGE coon in the next tree over staring at the baby coons. I didn't think Mick would notice but the dogs gave it away. So he decides he was going to make sure all the coons get back up in the tree....and my job was to knock loudly on the window if the big coon decided to attack him. Luckily we survived...BUT....
Sure enough a couple of Fridays ago, Mick let the dogs out and one of them attacked the baby coon and paralyzed its hind end. So at 4:45 in the morning Mick is out with barely any clothes on, gun in hand, ready to shoot 3 more baby coons. DEVASTATING! DEVASTATING! DEVASTATING!
He has left the big coon and one other baby to try to high tail it out of our tree....so cross your fingers they make it out alive. But believe me-its been dramatic! Mick received a nice gift from my family....a stuffed coon. Maybe that will help ease his mind....I think he should just teach me how to shoo the gun and I will take care of the next pesky farm animal....I can picture it now.....