Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Lot's Of Catching Up To Do

We have lots of catching up to do....
1.) Mallory is potty trained...besides #2 and nap/bed time. It's so nice!!
2.) Mallory's vocabulary has increased SO much. Full sentences with expressions and head tilts.
3.) Mallory is still in love with her princess's. ALL OF THEM!
4.) I think Mallory's legs grow at least a foot a day.
5.) She pretends to be a queen almost daily...with a tea party. 
She had a quick promotion from princess to queen.
6.) She repeats way too many things I say!
7.) She can open the door to the garage/outside. She also likes to be outside. Put the two together=mommy heart attack.
8.) She surprises me at least once a day with her knowledge. I feel like she tends to hold things in until she fully knows something...ex: Where Is Thumbkin? I have sang this song maybe twice to her and out of nowhere the other day, she busts it out...word for word.
9.) She still crinkles her nose when she smiles.
10.) I love her more than anything in this world. The only way you can experience this kind of love is by being a mommy. If you would have asked me last year or the day she was born, if I could love her anymore? I would have said no, there is no possible way my heart could fill any further with love for this child....BUT it has and continues to fill every day. I truly believe with each day when I say good morning to her I love her more than when I tucked her in the night before...and when I tuck her back into bed again that night...I love her even more than the morning.
 Tea party with crinkle smile at Grandma Nona's & Iya's.
 Dora couch/sleeping bag at grandma's.
 Mother's Day snuggles. My cup runneth over.
 Sometimes I loose things....and sometimes I find them. Here are my contacts in Mallory's bow drawer...which is not in the bathroom. I looked for them for two days and opened this drawer on multiple occasions.
Reason #989 that I need glasses
 Mallory's daycare pictures. What a doll! Notice: No crinkle smile?
 Mallory at the parade. Her holding her hand over her heart when the flag went by.
 She LOVED the parade. She squealed and jumped and danced. LOVED IT!
 Mallory helping Grandma Iya chop some potatoes.
 What Mallory wants, Mallory usually gets at Grandma's.  So when she wanted pancakes for dinner....she got pancakes for dinner...with her help of course.
 Mallory and Cassie at her 7th Birthday Bowling Party!
 Mallory's first time bowling=Success! Well...for the first three frames...and then she was done!
 PBA-Here I come!
 Oh you know...just hanging out.
 Watching Strawberry Shortcake on Cassie's headphones.
 She likes to wear her sunglasses upside down.
 Taking her baby cousin for a spin. She was so sweet with him.
 I'm Queen Elsa on my horse.
 Following great-grandma on her scooter. Too cute!
Mallory would bust out some moves at the Downtown Celebration. It was so cute...until she figured out people were watching her and then she got shy. She says: "I've got moves like Jagger."

Monday, May 5, 2014

Angels Among Us...

There are days that occur in your life that you will never forget. When you remember smells, what people wore, what was said, the feeling you felt....I had one of those days yesterday. We had the opportunity to throw a surprise 80th birthday party for my wonderfully amazing grandmother. I can not put into words how much this woman means to not only me but to SOOO many others. I know that everyone thinks that their grandma is the kindest, most gentlest, sweetest soul but I truly believe my grandma is one of a kind....to so many besides just her family. She is the rock of our family and I have been so blessed to have so many wonderful memories of and with her. She truly is an angel amongst us.
 The woman who has taught me so much about life, kindness, faith, marriage, being a mother, friend, sister...
 Four generations of awesomeness!!!
 Family...we may not have it all together (obviously..lol) but together we have it all.
 Mallory on our walk. We were about mile 3 and she says..."This not fun mommy. I go home?" and then laid her head down. I couldn't help but laugh. Within seconds she was enjoying it again.
 Mallory is so into picking dandelions (and smiling like this) and now she likes putting them in her hair.
 Mallory's hair has some serious curls when it gets humid out....can you tell the difference from the ponytail and the other....so curly!
 Mallory and Grant snuggled up watching Frozen.
 They have such a bond. It's so cute. She loves him so and he does so well with her!
 Mallory pouting....
 Aw shucks....just kidding mom! I'm happy!
 She says....I can't see you!

Love this girl with my whole being!

Another angel among us....