Thursday, August 27, 2015

Waddle Waddle

 Oh this silly girl...I had to pick her up in Mick's truck one day and I let her ride in the front....She thought this was so cool. She just giggled...
 Dancing with her penguin.
This penguin....I collect penguins and this was put in Mallory's stuffed animal basket in her room when she was born. She had never paid much attention to it until Sunday...and now it goes every where with us. She had "Show & Share" at school on Monday and instead of her doll, she choose to take the penguin which she calls Waddles. She has slept with it, rides in the car with I have been taking the time to educate her on penguins....

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

She's Country....

You boys ever met a real country girl?
Talkin, true blue, out in the woods, down home, country....

I had the honor to spend the evening to one of the most awesome friends in the WHOLE WORLD. This girl is seriously probably the nicest, genuinely kind person I have have ever met and so lucky to call her my friend. I can not put into words how much this girl means to me....
Anyways, it was girl's night with a few country boys....who happened to not be our husbands but with our husbands approval. ;)
Tyler Farr, Cole Swindell and Jason Aldean!!!
I'm pretty sure I danced the entire time and new every word to every song! 
It was a blast!!!!

Country, (shoot) from her cowboy boots to her down home roots,
She's country, from the songs she plays to the prayers she prays,
That's the way she was born and raised, she ain't afraid to stay, country!
Brother, she's country!!!

 That I am, folks. She's Country...
 With my amazingly awesome friend Olivia!

 The other awesome girls in attendance......;)
 Little Italy....Val is an exchange student that Olivia is hosting...her first country concert in America...I think she was shell shocked!
 Oh boy...he was cute, entertaining and awesome....even though you can't see him in this picture. lol!
 Oh wait...hey there....
 We had actually seats, even though they were not used....but this was the was a sell out crowd! much fun!
 Night Train
 He was so entertaining and loved that he did very little talking and story telling. He just SANG...and I just danced.
 Sweating like crazy but having a blast.
 I missed my cousin's "coming home" party from the Marines to attend this concert. He will be shipped out again in the next week or so BUT....he wasn't far from my mind and heart!
 Very respectful!
The Finale! Perfect end to a perfect night with perfect friends!
I'm truly blessed.
Check that off my else can we go see...
Blake Shelton, Eric Church...anyone up for it?

Sunday, August 23, 2015

I'm A Slacker....

Sooo....I've been a slacker...blogging seems to have taken the back burner this summer...We've been so busy with so many things that I just haven't gotten around to it....I've thought about it, made lists and it was #1, even started blogs but never finished....BUT TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT. It's actually harder now since I don't really have all my thoughts together on what has happened so this will be a blog of pictures and random thoughts when they enter my!
1.) I officially have started the real estate business. I love it so far! It's very satisfying helping people find their dream home and sell their current house so they are able to find their next house. So (insert plug here...) if you need any assistance CALL ME!
2.) Mallory has officially hit the terrible two's at the ripe ol' age of 3.5. She has just been so sassy and saying things that I know we do not say or do at home which is frustrating but will still have to say that even at her worst...she's still not that bad. 
3.) She loves saying, "Oh craters!" It's from Miles From Tomorrowland's so funny to hear her say random and appropriate. lol!
4.) She still loves all things Princess! Her creativity and imagination have GROWN as well as her legs! She is getting so tall! 
So's time for some pictures.....lots and lots of pictures...

 Date Night to The Winery
 I had to go to North Carolina for work...and we played BINGO! 
 Collin helping Mick till the garden.
 Mallory wanted to be he used paper towels for her hair.
 Her "hair" blowing in the wind...flying her Frozen kite.
 Snuggling with cousin Collin.
 Momma kitty had baby kitties on May 24th...the day before Memorial Day. Four cute little cool to witness.
 Heading to Mama & Papa Ham's for Papa's birthday.
 The cousins....too cute!
 All for for all!
 LOVE these kids SOOO much!
 Snuggling with Grant on the way home.
 Playing dress up at daycare.
 Mallory did a trial week at Stevens Dance...she loved it. She was more timid than I thought she would be but still loved it. We will be starting full time here in the next week or so....that will be the real test.
 Jumping on the tramp
 Balance Beam....she really liked this one.
 "Sunbathing" under the umbrella
 Nothing wrong with a little hose water....
 Elliott's birthday party with a tractor ride....thumbs up!
 The baby kitties....
 Another date night to a wedding...I love this man so!
 Had a great time with this beauty and recent new momma!
 Waiting in line for the Ferris Wheel with Grandma.
 Mallory thought it went too slow.
 Too cute....Happy Father's Day!
 4th of July Party
 Watching the fireworks from their backpacks. I believe this was the "pooping" dog. So inappropriate but funny.
 Sparklers! Yes, it was July 4th and we all had hoodies on.
 The stash of fireworks! Quite the show!
 Hot Dog fireworks we made for the kids...
 The spread....
 We love America!
 Swimming in the pool....
 Morgan County Fair...we ran into Taylor!
 I had my class 15 Year Class Reunion! It's ALWAYS so nice to see everyone from my graduating class. SOOO lucky to have such wonderful classmates...this was a random "Mustang" that was at the bar we were of course we had to get a pic.
 While I was at the reunino, mom took Mallory to a Frozen Tea party. She enjoyed the "real life princess" more than anything.
 Busted out the ol jersey.....
 Class of 2000!!!
 Enjoying a fun moment in the old Home Ec kitchen.
 Love these crazy girls!!!
 Swimming at Cassie's birthday party
 Happy Birthday Cassie!!!
 We stayed in Grandma & Papa's was quite the night. It stormed and rained and blew and the power went out...pretty sure we slept maybe an hour or two....Quincy had just had a huge storm come through the week prior to this and I was terrified a tree was going to fall on the camper and kill us.
 Mallory is very much into cheering. This was a random Friday night cheer session we had in the living room.
 Hanging out with Ronald at the libary.
 Took Mallory through the car wash...she thought it was HILARIOUS!
 This would be 10 minutes prior to making our very own "America's Funniest Home Video". Mallory leaned over the side too far and out she went...the water swooshed her out and Mick almost went with her. It was scary yet so funny at the same time. Mallory did not find it funny at all.
 Riding some rides at the Adams County Fair
 Ferris Wheel in Adams County
 Just a little house cleaning in serious.
 Playing "America Girl" dolls with Makenna.
 Meeting Baby James for the first time! Instant friendship!
 Such a cutie pie!
 Missed this glad to enjoy some time with her and Rolf during their brief visit back. Seems friendships always grow stronger with distance.
 The boys!!
 Someone is a HUGE fan of Baby J!
 One of my closest friends up high school is getting married. Had a beautiful wedding shower at the winery followed by a nice evening out on the town. Love this girl!
 Part of the girls enjoying dinner at One Restaurant.
 Playing "Heads Up"! I haven't laughed this hard IN A LONG TIME!
 The girls....the love and memories I have shared with these girls are just priceless.
 Mallory enjoyed feeding her "baby" at Grandma's.
 She thought it was so funny when she would feed it and then it "peed" and "pooped".
 My 4th of July drinks.
 The cousins at the 4th of July parade
 Visiting with one of my BFF's. I don't get to see her near enough but boy when we get together.....WATCH OUT!
Mallory and Grandma at the Frozen Tea Party
Mallory at the KofC BBQ....she LOVED this ride until her seatbelt came unhooked and then she was no longer happy....or scared....or tired....or hot....not sure but she wasn't enjoying herself until she met a new friend on the mini-ferris wheel.

So that's it...that's what we've been up to. Not the best blog but wanted to get pictures up and hopefully the motivation to keep up with things.