Monday, May 11, 2015

Selfies, Mother's & Lincoln

 Week of the Young Child at Mallory's (awesome) Daycare. Parents got to eat breakfast with their children. Donuts, milk and selfies!
 We are really into silly faces....
Very unflattering picture of me but LOVE the way Mallory is looking at me....
 Then I decided to stay and read some books to her class...which I think everyone thoroughly enjoyed but also made my respect for ALL teachers grow by 1000%! Thank you teachers!
 Then headed back for a sleepover with my high school BFF's. LOVE LOVE LOVE spending time with these girls and catching up.
 The next day we took at trip to the Quincy Mall...which you would think we went to Disney again but her reaction!
 So cool, mom!
 I wouldn't let her ride in the carts they provided for $100 but I did let her sit in one and that was all she needed.
 Then to the park we went...
 Getting to be a big girl!
 Rockin' Roll Sista

 In Grandma and Papa's tree...
 My big girl...

 And back for the goofy selfies...this one was for dad.
 And then Collin stopped by....Mallory was much more excited than Collin was to get his picture taken.
 My beautiful niece making her First Communion.

 She is a true blessing....;)
 This girl....LOVE!!!
 I kept telling her to look at the you can tell in pictures that she tends to not fully look at the camera....this was her I AM LOOKING AT THE CAMERA, MOM!! look
 Trying to hide....but for some reason that shirt made her easy to find...
 And there's my precious her!
 And this girl....LOVED mopping the I let her....WHAT?
 Cousins Lane & Grant snuggling up Kitty.
 Then Uncle Jason's turn for some snuggle time.
 Now begins our series of goofy selfies....

 She was laughing SOOO hard....probably because of the way her mother looked.
 Enjoy these moments before bed more than anything. I hope our talks and snuggles will continue for A LONG LONG TIME!
 My Mother's Day gift that daycare had each child make. This is by far one of the best gifts EVER. I will keep the tradition going. She was really into MOTHER'S DAY this year....she enjoyed telling people Happy Mother's Day...even if they didn't have kids. She thinks it's for ALL girls, including herself.
 Unfortunately, some crazy form of pink eye circulated her daycare. It was the typical pink eye though. It swelled her eyes up had a weird color on the whites of her eyes. It was quick lived due a "WONDERFUL" experience at Koke Mill Express Care.
 So I looked at the wait time...11 problem. Well, two and a half hours later...we left. They had forgotten about us once we were back in one of the rooms. Not sure how but the nurse didn't turn our chart in...and of course even though I was fuming...I didn't say anything until way late. Almost missed Mother's Day lunch with my mom and sister...was not a happy camper.
 But this girl was!
 She kept yelling, "This is taking FOREVER!" 
" Who's going to fix my eyes?"
Then of course on the way out, she had to say, "We aren't coming back here again. It took too long."
She's so smart...;)
 Then I saw this poor gentleman on the way home...his 4-wheeler rolled off the back of his trailer. I had to day wasn't so bad. I had a healthy baby, a wonderful mother and great family that was going home to...and I didn't loose my 4-wheeler....forgive and forget.
 So with Mallory's ever potent gel that she has to have on her eyes daily...I was worried that she would rub her eyes and then suck her thumb, which we are trying to break her from doing anyways. So I came up with the brilliant idea that I would put gloves on her at bed. Totally thought it worked until I walked in and saw this...had to laugh. Next night, the gloves were off....literally.
 Happy Mother's Day from the cutest kid around!

 Mallory still loves all things Mickey and princesses. She has quite the imagination and will play make believe for hours. Some of the things she says and does....cracks me up and also makes me wonder. She still has a whole lot of girl and just enough tom boy in her. She loves playing outside and is getting quite well at driving her John Deere gator around. She is finding more and more interest in Barbie. Her new Kitty is her favorite. She LOVES that cat. I will find that cat randomly walking around our house and I somehow always know how she got in. :0 Kitty is going to be having kitties so hopefully I don't wake up to find 15 kitties in my house or momma might freak out.
I love having conversations with Mallory...she can be so grown up sometimes. A funny thing she said a couple of nights ago: We were putting her to bed and I was holding her like a baby. I said, "you will always be my baby." She replied to something like "No, I'm Mallory Jo Selby. I'm a human being."
Then of course Mick throws out the "do you want a baby?" And her reply: "Yes, a boy sister." I said, "You mean a brother?" She says with great confidence, "No! A boy-sister. That's what they are called." So hopefully we don't have a baby boy anytime soon as I don't think he will like being called a boy sister. lol!
 She is a quick little learner and melts my heart every night when she now says I Love You Mommy before I do when closing her door. Or when she randomly comes up and gives me a kiss and hug and says Mommy, You're My Best Friend. 

My parents, Mick, Mallory and I attended the 150th Lincoln Funeral in Springfield. It was so neat. Growing up being around re-enactments...I know all things Lincoln. I have officially been to/re-enacted everything Lincoln from birth through death. 
Here are a few pictures I took....

Growing up and traveling the country seeing all things Civil War...we listened to Civil War songs of course...Eatin' Goober Peas was one of those songs that will always hold a special memory for me and my dad. So thought these two pictures were too funny!

And of course...Mallory had to pose with Lincoln too!!! 

May our children and our children's children to a thousand generations, continue to enjoy the benefits conferred upon us by a united country, and have cause yet to rejoice under those glorious institutions bequeathed us by Washington and his compeers.
Abraham Lincoln
--October 4, 1862 Speech at Frederick, Maryland