Friday, April 26, 2019

Two Horses

So lately, I had read the two books by Rory Feek about his life and his beautiful bride, Joey. For some reason, those books got me interested more in his life and so each night at bed, I will read a blog post that he kept during his wife's illness and then untimely death...and now his life without her raising their young daughter who has down syndrome. Didn't ever have an interest in them before or really even know who they were but now....I could be their biggest fan. :) 
It's a great story told about their lives and their faith. So this was written on a plaque outside one of the cancer centers that Joey had to do treatment at. I LOVED it and thought it needed to be shared. 

“Two Horses"
There were two horses in a field.  From a distance, each horse looks like any other horse.  But if you get a closer look you will notice something quite interesting… One of the horses is blind.  His owner has chosen not to have him put down, but has made him a safe and comfortable barn to live in. This alone is pretty amazing.  But if you stand nearby and listen, you will hear the sound of a bell. It is coming from a smaller horse in the field.  Attached to the horse’s halter is a small, copper-colored bell. It lets the blind friend know where the other horse is, so he can follow.  As you stand and watch these two friends you’ll see that the horse with the bell is always checking on the blind horse, and that the blind horse will listen for the bell and then slowly walk to where the other horse is, trusting he will not be led astray.  When the horse with the bell returns to the shelter of the barn each evening, he will stop occasionally to look back, making sure that the blind friend isn’t too far behind to hear the bell.
Like the owners of these two horses, God does not throw us away just because we are not perfect. Or because we have problems or challenges.  He watches over us and even brings others into our lives to help us when we are in need.  Sometimes we are the blind horse, being guided by the little ringing bell of those who God places in our lives. And at other times we are the guide horse, helping others to find their way.  Good friends are like that. You may not always see them, but you know they are always there.
Please listen for my bell, and I will listen for yours”.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Sorry Not Sorry

(NOTE: This was written on April 14th)
It was a board game kind of weekend. If Mallory was as competitive as she is at board games at soccer games...we'd have the next Mia Hamm on our hands. 

And this here....this is Ollie. Morgan's puppy. Actually Ollie is my sister's dog but Morgan got to see Ollie last week and now thinks Ollie and her are BFF's. So this Ollie...and Morgan thinks it should eat pizza rolls with her. ;) 

Monday, April 15, 2019

I Have A Headache's been awhile...again...but wanted to blog about this story just so I have it. I started this probably 2.5 months ago and then didn't finish so it may be a little blotchy. ;)

Mallory had an accident at daycare awhile back. She was hit in the head with an object that in my opinion (sorry daycare folks) should have not been an option as a "toy" in the first place. It was my first and hopefully my last phone call of an "emergency" know...the one where you throat gets swallowed into your stomach and you try to remain calm but your mind always goes to the worst possible scenerio. It was very comforting that the original call I received was from a dear friend that works at the daycare-she did such a wonderful job telling me to get my butt there in a calm yet fearful tone. Luckily, I was just a few blocks away. There is just something about pulling into the place where your children are being watched seeing a fire rescue truck out front with it's lights on knowing they are there for your child. UGGHHH.....breaks my heart just reliving that visual.
I won't go into details on what happened, by whom and how it was handled as that's not appropriate for this blog and don't want judgement made by anyone. BUT I will say...that Mallory was a complete rock star. She literally had a hole in her forehead from the wound and then the scary part was that after she was hit, she had a seizure and passed out. Thankfully, the wonderful first responders were there quickly and did an amazing job with Mallory. We were shipped off to the emergency room after quite the sight at have two first responder vehicles (I believe) an ambulance and their crew, me, teachers, kids crying, Mallory just super confused on what the heck is happening. Chaos. Pure Chaos.
Mallory had her wound glued up and had to stay and be monitored since she did have a concussion and possible reason for her passing out after the incident. She didn't cry once....not once. Which I think made it harder on me....I knew she was hurting, I knew she was embarrassed about all the attention yet was remaining so tough.
She of course had to sit out of several activities and had to be super careful with her head obviously but she's all healed up. This will be a story to remember for sure....

Friday, April 12, 2019

Faces of Morgan

Oh the faces of Morgan Mae....she is our strong willed child yet so loving at times. My patience has never been tested more than it has with this one. I am relaying heavily on prayer and some good self help books on how to parent this child.....completely different than Mallory. :)
She is amazing at throwing a fit one second and being the most polite and sweetest child the next....
that pretty much wraps up the life of an almost two year old doesn't.

Always puts glasses on upside down
Pure orenery
You want me to eat? Okay
Showing off....
Oh Morgan
The whole series of these Valentine's pictures are hilarious...that will be another blog. :)
Actually caught behaving...sitting and playing so nicely with play dough
Has her sisters sweatshirt on
Stole Aunt Lori's corn on the cob and got busted
Wild! Has zero fear
Suppose to be napping but hiding and playing instead.
Potty training is exhausting

Inverted duck face
Big girl
No caption needed
Her sister put a diaper on the outside of her jammies....and Morgan didn't seem to mind at all. Just taking notes...
When sissy dresses me in her clothes
When mom lets her eat a cookie in the car....
Playing outside with her ear flapping in the wind...;)
She LOVES cows and buses....she just saw one here!

Be still my heart.
Grumpy Irish Babe
Deep concentration with that tongue out...just like her big sis
On a mission on the playground
Mallory thinks she looks like Chicken Little in this picture. lol!
No pants potty party
Staying with Aunt Lori is exhausting
Run & Jump
Oh my lil' Valentine
Say What?!? You want me to go to bed?
OH Lord
Runs in the family....both are giving me the same look
Snapchat filters on babies are the best
Concentrating on her stacking abilities.
Sick days at home with mom...;)
Demanding something I'm sure.
Old enough to wear the headphones in the car.
No words
Yes she is using her finger as a fork
She LOVES grandma's spaghetti
Again...suppose to be napping...this isn't even her cot
Hmmm....what kind of trouble can I get in today....
Broke my balloon
She LOVES the sand table at daycare.
Goof ball!
Aunt Dana is having be do poses....
Actually really cute...
How does she do it?
She is actually saw all the above pictures I attempt right?
My last baby
Hmm.....what's she going to make me do now?
Is that the door....I'm outta here!