Thursday, December 25, 2014

Joy To The World!!!

 We had such a good Christmas. It really is the little moments that end up being the best memory. Each year keeps getting better and better. We went to a different church for Christmas since ours started so late...and I loved it. At the end, everyone was standing singing Silent Night, holding their candles...Mallory leans over and puts one arm around her daddy and one arm around me and just gives us the biggest hug and took all I had not to loose it in front of the whole church. It just melted my heart. We got back and we let her open one gift from mom & dad and then Mick and I opened our gifts. She was so cute about it. We then got ready for Santa...we iced our cookies and headed up to bed. I had her look out the window to see if she could see Rudolph's nose...(totally thinking she would see the flash from the towers). She looked at me and said, "Mom, that's not's not high enough." She didn't fall for it...I then told her that she couldn't get out of bed and had to be sleeping in order for Santa to come. She jumped straight into bed. As were saying our prayers, she prayed for her cousin Grant who was sick, we said our Amen and then she adds, " Oh and Jesus...let me stay in bed all night so Santa will come. Amen." I lost it...I laughed so hard...To top it off...I put her "Christmas" jammies on her and she looked and me and says, "Mom, I look like a candy cane!?!" And that she did!

Christmas morning...she was so excited. She opened all her gifts and saved the biggest one for last...her bicycle. She needs to figure out how to not put the brakes on but otherwise she did great with it. Her other favorites are her Barbie and believe it or not....a snowglobe and chap-stick. Of all things....
It's been so nice to just stay home and enjoy each others company. She has been so good too...but that could be because I've allowed her to eat candy all day!
Sure do love my family....

 Mallory Jo before church service on Christmas Eve.

Making Christmas cookies...I had to let my control issues go and let her do it herself....they turned out wonderful! She did great!

 The children were all nestled and snug in their beds....

While visions of Santa danced in their heads...

 One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas morning.

 One of her favs...
LIPSTICK?! Really Santa?
 Oh the joy!!!
 And there she goes!!
 One excited little girl...
 Playing with her new Barbies...
 Perfect! Absolutely perfect!

 She loved the homemade Chex Mix even though she looked like a candy cane.

 Doctor Mallory
A lot of illness is going around...if you need to see a doc...I know a good one...
Has her helmet on backwards...making silly faces....while watching t.v.
 Yep, she's mine.
Family Selfie

Jozie's Journey....

Jozie, the elf, made his appearance for the first time this year. 
It was so fun to watch Mallory find him each morning.
 Hopefully this will be a new tradition at our house with lasting memories.
 I know that this years memories were priceless...
I could always tell by her expression whether she thought Jozie's actions were funny or not impressed.
Good-bye till next year's been fun!

 The arrival...

Sleeping in the Kleenex box!
Reading to her princesses...she didn't really know what to think about this one...
Elf Bubble Bath
Swinging from the light
 He even traveled to Grandma's when Mallory stayed the night...
Holding Baby Jesus
Hiding in Mallory's stocking

Drinking Mallory's milk...she thought this one was pretty funny.
Coloring...she liked this one too!

Mallory's Birthday!
Q-Tip snowflakes!
 Pop-tarts & hot chocolate!
 Riding down the banister!
 Playing Christmas carols on the piano
Last night...left a nice present and note!!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Balke Family Christmas

The Balke Family Christmas was this past Sunday....what a great time...It's always so nice to see everyone and we don't get together near enough. Mallory really enjoyed herself this year as she LOVES playing with "her Carson" and she made friends with Avery. These three definitely need to get together more often...they were such a hoot!

Let's get this party started!!

 My new friend....
 These two were something else....
 They were sooo sweet together...they both used such good manners and shared so well!

 This little guy sure does have a special place in Mallory's heart...

 These two....could they get any cuter?

 And there they are...the 3 amigos....Carson didn't think he should smile....

 But we worked one out of him....I love how Mallory looks at him!

 Just too cute....they sure make my heart happy!

 Mallory just kept posing...
 The girls thought if they switched chairs that they could get Carson to smile....
 Nope...didn't work!
The question was asked...."Who's ready for Santa?" This was the response.....LOVE!

Friends are forever, cousins are for life!!!