Sunday, January 25, 2015

Coming Out Of Her Shell....

 Papa Karl broke is ankle so we have been visiting quite a bit. Mallory is taking advantage of free scooter rides...
 She sure does make their day....
 Friday was Mommy & Mallory date night....this little fish and I first went out to eat to Burger Board.
 That would be the face of girl who gobbled down a WHOLE CHEESEBURGER!!!
 Then it was off to our first play....Cinderella!

 She was pretty excited....
 Sneaking in a kiss...

 She was so cute....I think I confused her when I said we were going to see Cinderella as she replied...."We're going to Disney?"

 And to our surprise....her friend Maci was there...they of course sat by each other and had the best of time. Their cute little faces were priceless.
 The play was very small audience but it was perfect. They involved the audience especially the children. They would have parts that some of the kids got to participate on stage and the cast would come down into the audience. Very interactive and very appropriate for children. Mallory loved it. I loved watching her as she tends to be on the shy time more times than not. She marched right up there and participated with no reserve. I loved watching her come out of her shell in front of others.

 She even went around and wanted her picture taken with some of the characters.

 Afterwards, her and Maci took their turn on stage and pretended to be acting out the scenes they just watched. It was sooo cute!

 They had a "wedding reception" for Cinderella and Prince Charming so Mallory of course enjoyed a cupcake. I hope this is a tradition that Mallory and I can continue with.
 Saturday, Mallory got to spend the day with Aunt Lori and her family as mommy went to a class reunion meeting. She of course got super spoiled!! She loved it. Thanks Aunt Lori.

 Then Sunday was Vacation Bible School. They do ours in segments throughout the year instead of one long week. Mallory attended for the first time a couple months back and did good but today she did GREAT!
 I was sooo proud of her. She was not shy at all and did the actions (with her own twist of course) and danced.

 They taught them some sign language to go along with the verse and she did some of it...
 Took all I had to hold back the tears.....
Then this happens....I let her play with my scarf and she played with this for over an hour....who knew that a scarf could be so entertaining...
Guess it's better than underwear on your head.....

Saturday, January 17, 2015

And So It Begins.....

And so it begins....I think it's time to start tumbling for this cutie pie. She tumbles all around the living room, she climbs all over us especially Mick, flops off the couch and jumps around like a crazy woman...ALL OF THE TIME!!! So after much debate....I think we will be shortly starting Mallory into a tumbling class and see if she has as much interest there as she does at home. We had a discussion about it with her and she was so excited so I guess there is no turning back now....
 Don't mind the chocolate face but this was her reaction....

 Think she is excited any?
 She of course then had to practice. She informed Mick that boys don't do tumbling...only little girls.
 Not sure if this was her reaction to flipping or her reaction to me standing on my head....I stood on my head and did a hand stand and Mick did a cartwheel...she says "Your face is red."
 Mallory and I got the honor to watch the Fricke boys last night.....they are so much fun!
 I like to see their personalities in these next few photos...we have Lane-who is the comedian and life of the party, we have sweet Grant who is so kind and loving and then we have crazy yet shy Mallory....
 I feel like the same pose and reaction are on Grant and Mallory's face and Lane is the only one entertaining me....
 I love they way he is looking at her....
 These two have such a good bond....they sure do love each other.
 Grant says now I look like you Aunt Vicki.
 This was too funny...Mallory just wanted to put her arm around Grant ALL NIGHT LONG. He would play on his Kindle and she would try doing this, he was trying to read his book and she just kept putting her arm around him. Not sure if it bothered him or not but it was making me giggle...
 This photo cracks me up! It explains it all! Lane was so sweet with Mallory. He would go get her blanket for her, share his toys with her...just so sweet....He was also quite hilarious with his random comments. Never a dull moment with these two!
Today was somewhat warm out so Mallory got to ride her princess bike with her princess coat on. I think we need to put up speed limit signs as she was whipping it around the garage like a mad woman.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Always Wear A Helmet

These are old pictures from after Christmas when the weather was so nice we could be outside. Mallory is riding her new bike. We of course had the conversation as to why we should always wear our helmet...

 This is Mallory playing dress up with her jammies still on....intently watching Strawberry Shortcake...she sat like that for 40 minutes!!
 Mallory and I had an impromptu date night. We went grocery shopping....which I very rarely take her with me...for obvious reasons. She did great so I treated her to dinner at Burger King...which she also has never been too.
 You can tell we don't go out to eat often as she was not only super pumped that she got a toy but even more excited that the ketchup was in a little cup to dip in....
 Yes, this was her reaction to dipping in the sauce...She did it and then yelled, "Nailed it!" There was only one other person there and the ladies behind the counter sure got a kick out of her.
 And she got a cookie....she says, "best day ever!" Pretty sad that she gets so excited just to go to Burger King but if that's all it takes....
 Mallory being Mallory...the poor guy in there with us.....he enjoyed it right?
 Mallory loves princesses....can you tell?????
 Then she turned into a chef....
 A little bossy chef....

 She loved it....
 We had "blue milk", bread with carrots, soup/chocolate milk/corn soup, and both Mick and I got put into time out for being bad.....
 Then I got out her tent....funny how an old toy can be so much fun again!
 She would pop up and yell, "SURPRISE!"
 You can't tell but this is Mick inside (yes that's funny all in itself) and Mallory is standing on his back. Quite the entertainment...
 She's something else...
 And here is the reason why we wear helmets.....
 All day...every day....even when you aren't riding a bike....
 She received quite the goose-egg at school today. She was chasing after a ball and so was another child and they bumped heads....
 Looks like to me that the other child's head may be a bit harder than Mallory's...
I said...."Did you cry?" She said, "Yes! It hurt..." I asked if the other child cried and she said "nope". This is right after bath (hence the crazy hair).
 I told her I wanted to take a picture since it left a mark. 
She looked in the mirror and says, "Yep, left a mark mom."