Friday, May 15, 2020

COVID-19 Part I

Corona Virus
The upside down flip of our lives. 
Writing to document the things we did during this time, how I felt, how the girls felt, how the world felt. I have a few weeks of catching up. 
My quarantine started on March 11th as Morgan was sick so we were home. The next day, my company decided they were going to jump the gun and start the work from home mandatory as of that day, March 12th. So as I write this-April 7th...I am on day 28. The school closed as of Friday evening, March 13th. Illinois went on mandatory lock down, Saturday, March 21st. 
I am still working every day from home. Our company did a great job of getting everyone working remotely VERY quickly and with very few issues. Pretty impressive considering we are a 24/7 newspaper outlet. Mick is labeled an "essential worker" so he is still going to work Monday-Friday like normal. Jacksonville was to be on spring break March 23rd-27th so they used the first week out for some planning and then had spring break. Then they had a "learning week" to prep for e-learning as we learned that as of right now, the children will be out of school until at least April 30th.
Not going to lie-these first few weeks have had me at my lowest of lows. I am a people person. I like to talk. I like my schedule and routine. I love my children dearly but it's hard. So hard. There have been many tears and yelling. I am working on the yelling part but the tears are just going to have to flow. We were also suppose to leave on vacation on March 28th to go to Disney World. We were to visit with Mick's family after Disney and not return until April 13th. So obviously, all of that has closed down and there will be no vacation. I think that is the added stress to all of this that I was so hoping for that get away and release. The unknown is also a worry. What is open, what if we run out of toilet paper, why do no stores have butter, how will I get everything done? It's just a lot to try to manage but we are healthy and safe so I need to count my blessings.
Watching Dumbo....she loved it!

St. Patrick's Day at home
Alex Morgan is a fan favorite in this house
Reading in her living room fort!
This is our days.....I was on a Zoom meeting for work and these two were behind me on my chair...."doing my hair". Zoom meetings and two children, one being two years old as been quite exhausting. They have seen her naked (see above), they have heard them pretending they were cats--sounded like dying cats meowing, crying, Mallory walking around in her sports bra, was not on mute one time and was scolding Mallory, Morgan decided to give her input on how someone was speaking to us......embarrassing but hilarious!
Doing yoga!
Morgan did such a good job
Anything her sissy does...she wants to do too!
Look at them!
Being cute on the couch!
Zooming with the family. We did it once....we should do that again!
This was taken in the first couple of weeks. And as stated above....I was so exhausted, frustrated, scared, frantic, trying to figure out work from home and home schooling as well as figuring out what the heck was happening in our world.....Mallory noticed that I had worn my pants inside out ALL DAY long...had quite the laugh about that. I have also thrown the dirty clothes in the trash can instead of the laundry hamper, put my phone in the fridge and couldn't find it for 2/3 of the day, have made way too many stupid snaps out of pure boredom.....some days are bad-some days are good!
Morgan learned how to ride her bike (with training wheels of course). She was so proud of herself and has ZERO fear. She goes to fast, falls over and laughs....she's WILD!
Mallory doing church online.....she sure misses her Miss Kris!
Riding her bike!
Mallory chasing her sister...Mallory needs a bigger bike...She just got this "big" bike last year!
Our first outing in awhile. Not even sure where we were going but we sure enjoyed the car ride!
Snuggles with this girl. I will say I have enjoyed this! We would have dance, soccer, work meetings, etc. that kept us on the go and sometimes I wouldn't be the one putting her to bed or it would have to be a quick bed time routine to get back to helping with homework or picking Mallory up somewhere....I LOVE that we are in a better bed time routine and I get snuggles again!
Picnic outside....
So sweet!
Silly girl!

Enjoying the nice weather
Forget what this is called but loved doing this with my friends when we were little....these two clearly love it just as much as I did!

She's so brave!

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