Friday, May 15, 2020

COVID-Part 2

We are doing much better than we were in the beginning. Although things are still not good "in the outside world", we have our routine at home, the best it can be anyways. We have our morning routine, lunch routine, nap routine and then the rest of the day/night-just kind of happens. Mom doesn't cry as much. Mom doesn't yell as much. I think that now that I know our vacation is out, we are locked at home, what school looks like for the rest of the year....more things that I know for sure and can control here in my little house. The unknown drives me nuts. There is still so much unknown and changes but I think I can handle them better than I was at the beginning. This month (May) I've been soaking it in more. Enjoying the little things here at home and the moments that I have been blessed to experience because of the SAHO (stay at home order). I do have mixed feelings with it all. I tend to lean more towards the "let's follow the rules" and "do what you're told" kind of gal so those that are protesting and not abiding by the rules that are suggested---has my feelings all over the place. I understand their feelings, maybe even agree at some points but still hard for me to not just suck it up and follow the rules in hopes that it will help speed this process up some. Who knows? I think half the battle is that no one--NO ONE...not you, not me, not the governor, not the president, not the mayor, not your local congressman, not your dad or your neighbor...NO ONE knows what the right answer is or what the right thing to do is or what that right time is. So it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. There will always be someone who disagrees, protests, doesn't like with whatever decision is made so it's just like....hmmmmm.......I do my part, that's all I can do. So much has been missed by every single family-some may seem more "important" than someone else's situation but to each was important, they missed it and it's all equal because the bottom line is....every one has missed out on something. Visiting your grandma may seem smaller than your neighbor's high school graduation until that grandma only lives one more week. Dance recitals missed may seem trivial to someone but to that one family or daughter it could have been a tradition they celebrated for years and years or a last memory they had with their dad that is no longer living. It all has meaning to everyone so we shouldn't down play the "small moments" missed or up play the "big moments" missed. We are all missing moments that we can't get back. That to me is the hardest part. I can stay home, I can wear a mask and use sanitizer till my hands dry to the bone, I can home school (kind of) but I can't get back the time or the memories. So just trying to make different memories and as many as I new ways....
Real bummer when you are in lock down AND the power goes out! For like 8 hours!
A lot of games have been played. Uno is a fan favorite although legos are a big hit with the girls currently.
I think she just wants to get away from me. I find her hiding in the most unusual spots. This one took me a minute to find her.
And sometimes we wear jammies all day....and that's ok.
You know mom is really in SAHO mode when she lets you have bubbles inside! Finding new ways to make them smile...
Walks! Walks! And more walks....doesn't she look so grown up here!
Project Backyard Paul Bunyan is in full effect. He has cut down so many trees, wiring....all kinds of crazy things in order to get ready for a pool....a pool that I am not totally onboard for getting.
Mallory learning some chopping skills....and cantaloupe. I wish I would have started counting how many cantaloupes we have gone through. We went through three in one week! They eat it like candy!
Morgan stopping to smell the flowers.
A soft gentle smell...can't find the next picture but she is literally about to rip the flower out of the ground!!! lol!

Mallory wanted to do a photo shoot with Morgan. So here it is!!!
She's not so sure about this!
Cute little Minnie!
Rotten! Pure rotten!
Cracks me up! Her facial expressions are something else!
MOANA!!! Laugh so hard every time I see this picture!
Guess what's in her cheek....yep...cantaloupe!
Watching movies together!
Hiding again!
We joined a blessings page and Mallory now loves getting the mail each day. This is one of her favorites that was gifted to her!
Now she is hiding in empty beer boxes....think we have a problem?
How I feel about wearing my mask....actually I don't mind the mask...I mind the people. Some are just nuts and have zero clue. I had just left Wal-Mart. Positive of wearing mask-people can't hear you mumbling not so nice things about them....but they also can't see you when you smile at people....soo.....
More mess free color books! This one came from Aunt Dana AND it's Moana! DOUBLE WIN!
More project Paul Bunyan. Bringing in the big dogs!
So many trees down......
Look at all those logs....he cut those all! FIRES FOR DAYS!
The trails at the lake! My new favorite place. It's 3 miles total and I just love the quiet, peacefulness of this trail.
So do the girls. Who have resulted into me pulling them in the wagon instead of walking with me. WHAT A WORKOUT!

Now she is in a bucket.....Sissy doesn't mind...she will just soak her!!!
Being silly after water day!
Cute! I love this picture and their bond!
So sweet!
I miss my church! I still attend every Sunday via online and that is wonderful and I enjoy it still but there is nothing like worshiping with a group of people and live music. This is one thing I am so looking forward to getting back to normal.
The girls went to town with me and wanted to wear their the car. They never even got out. Before the actual "shutdown" of businesses, we went to McDonalds...I don't like the girls going inside that place anyways so not even sure Morgan has ever been inside but Mallory said something about it being closed. So Morgan now says....about everything....."it's closed? We have to go through the window?" Yep. She says this about church, school, daycare, Disneyworld...everything is closed and you have to go through the window!
Mal in her mask....We had to go to Walgreens one day and she asked me, "Why? Am I sick?" I said no, I have to get something else. She then replied, " I am sick. Sick of being home!!!" I laughed so hard. She has her dads quick wit and humor. She followed that up with a soft....."I am the opposite of home sick."
In desperate need of a hair cut so her older sister does her hair!
Cute kid!
More snuggles!
More crazy!
Mallory's cheer picture from last year. She is missing cheer and tumbling so much. Especially recital which is next weekend. This coming week should be recital week. So we went through old pictures and found this one.
Mallory made this sign based off a sign I have in the kitchen. I love her....
Mallory having a Zoom Lunch date with her teacher and classmates. The first Zoom meeting they had, I just cried. Mallory was so embarrassed but it was such a bitter sweet moment!

Mallory coming back with all the mail!
Mud pies!
Morgan got new Anna & Elsa dress up dresses....they may have replaced Moana outfit.
Hiding spot again! Just chillin....
Here i the flower photo....she was going to rip that sucker out of the ground.
Mud pie #2
Mallory missing soccer.
Her season was cut a bit short in the fall with getting pnemonmia and now spring season cancelled as well. I worry that she will have to start all over....on skills and being in shape.
Hiding again!

When quarantine makes your mom not care anymore....they take advantage. Wet sand fight. She was so proud of herself that she was literally covered head to toe in wet sand! It was a mess but they sure had fun!

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